Paper Bag Books

It's my mom's birthday today. We don't give gifts, I just usually have the kids make her something. Yesterday, I told my son it was her birthday and he said "We need to give her something, what does she like?". I quickly replied (before he got some big idea of a gift he wanted me to go broke buying her- knowing him it would be a new car or a house... Oh to be a kid again), "Well, she likes you! How about we wrap you up for her?". He loved the idea. We made these huge plans to decorate a box and put him in it with a bow on top. He did inform me that I can't mail him so I would have to deliver him to her doorstep (oh yea, good call kid). So, that is on our evening agenda. Delivering my son to my mom for her birthday. (I'll update with how it went)

For now, I decided to try out this paper bag book idea that one of my instructors showed me. I made the book and then let my kids go to town decorating it with notes and pictures. I'm sure their grandma will love it.

2 paper bags (I used white)
Paper (I used scraps)
Glue or tape
Hole punch
Scissors or paper cutter

 How to:
1) Fold paper bags in half and hole punch (make sure they line up). I suggest making sure the front is the bottom of one of the bags and have that little flap face in so the front is smooth (easier to understand as you do this).

2) Tie ribbon

3)  Cut paper small enough to fit in the pages of the bag that opens. Put a small piece of ribbon in it for a pull tab. You will have 2 of these.

4) Decorate the rest of the bag with paper. The pages that have a little flap from the bottom, I use those as little secret spots.

And there you have it. Paper bag books. It turned out even cuter than I thought it would. :)
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Unknown said...

The above mentioned paper bag books are amazing and eco-friendly that can be used for several times before disposed.
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Unknown said...

This is very good
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Ezellohub said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful things about Gift paper bags and carry bags

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