Snow Paint

It's time to come to terms with the fact that it is winter. The snow from last weekend did not melt and since it's been in the teens and twenties the last few days, it's time to accept the change in season. The kids keep asking if we can go out and make a snowman. Since there isn't enough snow yet and it's too dang cold, I decided to do some snowman making inside. I have 2 snow paint ideas that I've wanted try and decided instead of choosing one, I would do both.

First is the glue and shaving cream paint but I added glitter to it to make it fun (the little stuff, the big glitter flakes didn't work out as well). You can kind of see the glitter in the pictures if you click on it and see it larger. We just used paint brushes to make snowmen and snow on black paper. I didn't measure anything, just dumped in a bowl till it looked like enough. This stuff has a really cool 3D puffy paint type of look to it.

Leave it to my daughter to turn it into a finger painting project.
Some of the other snowy designs

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The second recipe I just learned about last week in class and thought it looked interesting. It's equal parts of flour, salt and water. Mix it together (adding a tiny bit of water as needed until it's paint consistency). I then added glitter (both small and large). The kids cut snowflakes (I helped with most) and then they used small paintbrushes and painted the snowflakes. It took awhile for them to dry but once they did, the texture turned out SO cool! I admit, I made a bunch of my own snowflakes like this to decorate my front window.

Just after painted- still wet

After it dries, it has a really cool texture!

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I think our indoor snowmen pictures were a success.


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